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Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease - Part 2 in our Ailing Parents Series Thumbnail

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease - Part 2 in our Ailing Parents Series

Lifestyle Newsletter

The dynamic between parents and adult children is complex no matter what role we find ourselves playing, child or parent. As an adult child, trying to get parents to respect independence and the right to take our own path can be a struggle. Then, as we age, we are sometimes faced with the challenges of supporting an aging parent. This may even include the onset of Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Now the dynamics must shift once again. How do we change roles from trying to gain our own independence to now being the caregiver for a parent slowly losing the ability to take care of themselves? And what about your parents’ reaction to you taking away their sense of independence? That usually doesn’t go over well. Money management can add a whole new complexity. This short article provides a basic overview of Alzheimer’s and Dementia as well as some financial insights and things to think about regarding supporting a loved one. You can also reach out to us with any questions you might have.

Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

  If you are a caregiver and looking for more information on being a caregiver, check out the Ontario Caregiver Website. It’s a great resource for all things caregiving.

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