Janine's Letter
Lifestyle NewsletterIt was with a heavy heart, yet some excitement, the day I submitted my resignation to Kirk.
The past 17 years with Allied has been a wonderful work experience for me. The relationships I have built with clients and colleagues will stay with me always. However, after 47 years as an administrator in the work force, it is time for me to retire. I look forward to traveling, hiking, biking and most importantly spending time with my family, including 4 grandchildren.
Let’s travel back through my 47 years. Having been raised by a single mother after my father passed in 1966, I was modeled by a strong and determined woman who did not let hard work take her down. She would have done anything for her children within her means and sometimes beyond. I received unconditional love and support from my single mother, and she will always remain my mentor and hero. I will be forever grateful to Kirk for allowing me the time I needed to support her and be there with her as she fought her battle and finally transition. THANK YOU, KIRK!!
Although I knew my mother would go to any length to send me to college, I did not want her to struggle financially; so, after high school, I joined the work force and didn’t look back
Small office jobs to start but in 1984 I started working with an amazing Litigation and Family Law lawyer who taught me so much and helped guide me to succeed at all I put my mind to. It was at this time that I started my family and found I needed more time with my children, so I stepped back from full time work and started a part time position in natural healthcare; something that has always been of great interest to me and how I was raised.
Now let’s move forward to my next full-time positions, which brought me to the hospital foundations in London. I started with the Children’s Foundation and later moved to the London Health Sciences Foundation, where I worked directly with the London Regional Cancer Centre. This was a dynamic and rewarding position. While working with the Foundation, I met, or should I say re-met Kirk (a story for another time) who was being solicited for a possible gift to the cancer centre from his father’s foundation. Boy did that grow into something amazing, but once again, a story I’m sure Kirk would love to share.
Upon my position winding down at the Foundation in 2005, it just so happened that Kirk needed an Assistant, and this is when it all started. I had lots to learn but with the 25 years of Administration, it was only the financial side of things that I would continue to learn and subsequently obtained my license in 2017 to further expand my knowledge and ability to assist.
Over the years, although not meeting many clients in person, I built wonderful relationships with everyone. I took great pride in becoming a trusted and friendly voice on the end of the phone, stressing my focus on customer service.
While I anticipate retirement with enthusiasm, I will miss my colleagues and all the clients I have spent many years getting to know and working with to meet their financial needs.
In Kirk’s words, it’s been a heck of a ride!!! Thank you for being a part of it!!