Let's Talk Insurance
Finances with Kirk NewsletterTerm Life Insurance may be a better option, and here's why.
You are sitting with a mortgage loans officer in a lending institution. You've signed the mortgage papers, and now the lender asks: "Would you like mortgage insurance? That way, if you die, we'll pay off your mortgage and your spouse or family won't have to worry." Naturally, you are tempted to answer, "Where do I sign?" But wait! Before you put pen to paper, make sure you know the facts about the coverage you are considering. Chances are you will do better to protect your mortgage with a personal life insurance policy. We have been able to save clients hundreds if not thousands of dollars in premiums when they buy from an Independent Insurance Broker. Feel free to contact us for a complimentary review of your life and disability insurance. Its never too late to compare and save money. Attached is a comparison between lending institutions and the Allied Financial solutions. Email or call me today kirk.baines@manulifesecurities.ca 1-866-241-1686 ext. 1.
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Real Look at How to Insure Your Mortgage