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DIY Projects Thumbnail

DIY Projects

So in the spirit of inspirational ideas I am sharing DIY projects with you in case you are looking for your next project. There are so many and too many to pick just one so I settled on a......

Lifestyle Newsletter
Amazing talent Thumbnail

Amazing talent

Imagine for a moment, the courage it takes to pack a suitcase and move to the other side of the world. Now, imagine you don’t know a soul where you’re going. Fifty years ago, in late 1970, Renske Helmuth set out on such a journey.

Lifestyle Newsletter
Woodstock Outdoor Farm Show Thumbnail

Woodstock Outdoor Farm Show

I know summer is still in full force and hopefully you are really enjoying yours, but I do want to mention an event coming up in the fall. The event is the Woodstock Outdoor Farm show in September. I am excited to tell you this year we are going to be there Sept. 13 - 15.

Farming Newsletter
Bento Boxes Thumbnail

Bento Boxes

I found this great website that focuses on Ontario's local diary and inspirational meals created by Ontario Chef's & tastemakers. The recipe below is quick and easy and can be taken as gift when going to someone's house this summer.

Lifestyle Newsletter

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