DIY Projects
So in the spirit of inspirational ideas I am sharing DIY projects with you in case you are looking for your next project. There are so many and too many to pick just one so I settled on a......
So in the spirit of inspirational ideas I am sharing DIY projects with you in case you are looking for your next project. There are so many and too many to pick just one so I settled on a......
Imagine for a moment, the courage it takes to pack a suitcase and move to the other side of the world. Now, imagine you don’t know a soul where you’re going. Fifty years ago, in late 1970, Renske Helmuth set out on such a journey.
I found this great website that focuses on Ontario's local diary and inspirational meals created by Ontario Chef's & tastemakers. The recipe below is quick and easy and can be taken as gift when going to someone's house this summer.
Summer can create opportunities for more time with the grandbabies if you have them. Which is very exciting but also a little bit of work to figure out how you are going to entertain these little balls of energy.
This recipe calls for heirloom tomatoes, fresh parsley, and mint, it looks delicious and healthy. I chose this one because in the summertime I like to keep it light when it comes to meals or snacks.
Summer is here so I thought we would take a break from food recipes and quench our thirst instead. When I think of sitting on the deck in summer, I think of having a nice cold drink in my hand.
Books for me are a chance to escape to into another world or adventure I could not have imaged on my own. I can pick up a book and be transported to the other side of the word and sometimes you get so lost in the book you feel like you can taste the tea they are drinking or smell the spices they are describing in detail. Words are powerful and the imagination is a beautiful thing.
Every year in March, the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association delivers Canadian Agricultural Safety Week to assist Farmers prepare for the new season. Farmers know how important safety is for the lively hood of the farm and the topic has probably been on their minds as the labour intense season has been approaching
Creamy homemade mushroom soup. This month I picked a recipe on Kirk's recommendation. Kirk's wife JoAnne made this a couple of weeks ago and Kirk's says it is the best mushroom soup he ever had.
The past 17 years with Allied has been a wonderful work experience for me. The relationships I have built with clients and colleagues will stay with me always.
I wanted to share a recipe that not only warms my belly, but also warms my heart. This special dish must be one of my favourites and often my choice when asked for a request. You can’t beat crock pot meals during busy times.
I know Ukraine is in a lot of our thoughts and prayers so I thought this month the recipe should be a celebration of the Ukrainian culture. My Aunt used to make Borscht soup a lot and it is a very traditional Ukrainian recipe.